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Here is a picture of Antoinette (now Cocotte) that we brought home in February.  She is doing great with her new
brother.  They just love each other.






At the screen door they are watching for night butterflies.  She is the one laying down and sitting near the counter she is the closest one waiting for their cat milk.







She is doing well, has gained 3 pounds since February.  This is the best decision I have made since my Niki now has a companion.




Update July ’11 …

Cocotte is doing well.  She is up to 14 pounds at the moment which the vet doesn't like so we changed the food.  She is less afraid of everything and follows her big brother everywhere.  I am so happy to have her.  She likes to cuddle and loves having lots of attention.  She still panics a bit when her bowl is empty but that seems to be coming along also.  Here she is having a nap with Nicki.  She is the one closest to the camera.




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