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We rescued this sweet, skinny, scared cocker spaniel named COOKIE.






Our intention was to bring him home, nurse him back to health and give him to my mother as a gift for her to have company after the passing of my father in Nova Scotia.




Four weeks after Cookie arrived in our house, my mother flew down to pick him up.  By this time, of course, the family and Spunky fell in love with Cookie.  When my mother arrived in the house, Cookie ran and jumped on Andre (my husband) as if he knew that he was going to be going to another home.





My mother took one look at Cookie and our family and said she could never take him from this home as he loved it here.




Spunky and Cookie are inseparable and we love the both of them so much.  Cookie has made a wonderful addition to our home.  He belongs with this family and every time one of the boys or myself and Andre arrive home, he is so happy he cries ...







Update January '13

We thought you would like an update of how Cookie is doing.  We just moved to the country and as you see he is loving it.




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