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Here is an update on Cookie, whom I adopted on Saturday December 29.  Overall he is adjusting very well to his new home and we just love him!

He is still fighting the upper respiratory infection that he had on the day we adopted him, but is recovering just fine with the help of love and antibiotics.  He has such a sweet and friendly personality, and hasn't shown any aggression or other negative personality traits at all.  He has a VERY healthy appetite, and gobbles down his food all at once.

We kept him isolated from our other cat Logan, a 2 year old neutered male, until only about 2 hours ago (except for three brief, accidental, but friendly encounters) in order to help him adjust, and to prevent his illness passing to Logan (although it seems he has gotten sick anyway, but  Logan's vet today says he will be just fine!).  So far Logan is letting Cookie know that he is King of the Castle with some shows of dominance, but they seem to be getting along relatively well considering the circumstances.  No hissing or fights, but that is to be expected at some point.  We will continue to allow them to co-exist under supervision for at least a few more days, before allowing them in the house together unsupervised while we are at work.

Cookie is really starting to become more confident and adventurous in his new home, and is acting more and more like the 6 month old kitten he really is!  He loves to be cuddled, rubbed on the back of his head and base of his tail, like many cats.  We will keep you posted on his adjustment.

I think it's safe to say that Cookie and his "big brother" Logan have been getting along just fine since their full-on introduction Wednesday evening.  :-) See attached photos.




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