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I adopted Cooper (formerly Chester) from the SPCA in April and was worried that he would miss his brothers and sister.  Though I am sure he does, to my great delight he has settled in with me wonderfully.  He is very curious about everything and tends to still chew a bit - shoes, tablecloths, you name it.  However, it isn't difficult to distract him with his toys.  His favourites are his Kong, soccer ball, and tennis ball.  Sometimes I think he has more fun playing with them by himself rather than with me! 



He also loves to go for long walks so he can harass all the birds and squirrels, and never fails to greet other dogs and passersby on the street.  I can't wait to take him camping this summer and introduce him to the lake.  His first visit to the vet went smoothly and he was well-behaved as he received his vaccinations.  In addition, while we are working on basic commands at home, we will also be starting obedience classes soon.  Given that Cooper is eager to learn and very energetic, I anticipate that they will be lots of fun for both of us. 




Thanks to everyone at the SPCA for the most playful and affectionate dog I could hope for.  I will keep you updated on the great memories this summer has yet to bring!

Thanks again,





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