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Corbin is a wonderful dog and he fit in perfectly after only a few days!  He's one of the happiest and most charming dogs we've ever met ... and such a clown!  He's discovering the joys of sleeping on couches and beds, having long walks around the neighbourhood, and playing in the yard. 







He inherited all of our old girl's toys (it was bittersweet to bring them out for him but we're so glad another pup can enjoy them) so our house is now covered in squeakies again. :)  We're both really glad we found him and he found us ... he's going to be a wonderful family member.  He's a special little guy!





I'm sure a good part of his gentle personality and sociability is due to your staff and volunteers, so please thank everyone from us ... he's clearly been treated very well and he loves people.  You guys do great work!

A little woof and big tail wag from Corbin!  :)






Since it's been almost a month since Corbin joined our little family, I thought you guys might like another few pictures ... he's a wonderful little dog and we're so glad we found him!  He's a riot, he's ridiculously cuddly, he has a great sense of humour, and he's very gentle.  And he's smart!  He can now sit, lie down, shake paw, and high five. :)  He had his boosters last weekend and our vet was really impressed with him too.






We can't imagine the house without him already, you guys did a great job with him.  This fella has clearly been treated really well every step of the way. :)

Thanks again for everything!














Update May '14

Since we've had our little man for just a little over two months now, we
thought maybe you might like a little update ... he's awesome! 







He's a clown (he clearly thinks he's a cat since he can tightrope walk all around the edge of the couch, on walls/ledges outside, etc, without any trouble at
all), he loves his new yard and his afternoon walks in Richelieu Park, he's finally figured out how awesome it is to sleep on a bed and in chairs, and he's nearly gotten rid of his winter coat (he looks so much smaller without the extra fluff but he's actually put on a few pounds).






He's a really special and joyful fella and we feel very, very lucky to have found him.  :)

Thanks again for everything you guys do!!





















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