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Cuddles has settled in with no trouble.  On Thursday afternoon we walked the streets on various routes to and from our house until she was familiar with the neighbourhood for a kilometre or two all around.  On Friday I tried her off-leash in Stanley Park.  She behaved perfectly and played nicely in long games of tag with a dozen or two other dogs, ranging from a rather aggressive 12 week old Chihuahua to a laid-back adult Newfie.  She
enjoyed the water and came back directly whenever I called.  We did three walks for a total of about four hours.  The only thing that freaked her out (on the night walk) was a pair of beagles dressed as bumblebees for
Halloween with sequin stripes and flashing lights, but once she realised they were dogs she was okay. 

Yesterday we explored Pine Hill as well as Stanley Park.  Our tenant/dog-sitter reported that she paced anxiously around the house all evening when we were out, but when we are in she mostly just lies in her dog bed or follows me from floor to floor.  She drinks a lot (I measured -- 12 cups in 24 hours -- ) and needs to pee often.  I just open the back door, and she goes out, pees, chases any squirrel she sees and comes straight back in.  This afternoon while I was away, my husband let her off-leash while he gardened, and she just lay in the grass and watched him.  She peed in her bed the first night, just a little.  Now I let her sleep in my bed and she nudges me around 7 am, when she has to go out.  Then we return to bed for another hour.



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