an update on Tara. I didn't take Nadia, you will recall, but fell in
love with Tara instead. Her name is now Dandie Dancer and she is
adorable. Very loving and always happy to see me. She has helped me
get over the recent loss of Jake Dasher who passed shortly after
Dandie came to us.
She is
getting along with the others (Prancer,
Comet and Cupid) very well. They play together and seem to really
enjoy each other's company. Little Cupid (was Penny) is adjusting to
not being the youngest and has a bit of jealousy to overcome but we're
working on it. Comet seems to enjoy letting Dandie crawl all over
her, bite her ears and legs, and tease her. They took to each other
right away.
only difficulty I have encountered with Dandie is that she was not
house trained when I adopted her so that has been a real challenge.
She'll get it but it's taking a little time. All 3 girls adopted from
the SPCA have been a joy to me and I look forward to each and every
day spending time with them, and watching them grow and become
terrific dogs!

Update January '13
Here is a picture of my girls from January 27, 2013. They are
enjoying the sun room and a nice sunny day.
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