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I just wanted to give you an update on how Delilah (formerly known as Delfie) is doing!  We adopted her in late October 2010 and she has settled right in.  The first month was a little rough trying to get her acquainted with the other resident calico but they've settled their differences and tolerate each other well.





She is SUCH a wonderful and curious cat who loves spending her days curled up on the couch or sunbathing at the window.  She also enjoys spending time with my current foster kitten.  I knew she had bad teeth when I adopted her and we had a dental cleaning done in January following which she did extremely well despite having some extractions, and all of the clinic staff loved her.  Now her teeth are looking perfect! 





She is also the pickiest eater for a cat I have ever met!  She refuses to eat any other food than what was fed to her at the shelter, but you can see from the pictures her coat is gorgeous!





Thank you to all the shelter staff who took such wonderful care of her during her lengthy stay there!  I am blessed to have such a wonderful, loving cat and she wouldn't be here without all of your dedication and hard work!!!

I have attached some photos for your perusal!




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