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My husband and I went to the SPCA December 16, 2010 to look at a beautiful husky that we saw advertised on the SPCA website.  We went in with an open mind and an open heart but by no means were we certain that we wanted to bring home a dog that day.  When we walked in, we were greeted with such kindness - and excitement when the staff saw our husky, Chase.  We were told by the staff that there was a dog there that looked just like ours but with different colouring!!  We told them that was why we were there :)





When Dex was brought out we fell in love instantly.  He was so calm and sweet and had such a lovely demeanour.  We took both dogs for a walk and they got along beautifully.  On our way back inside my husband said - there is no way that this dog is going back in a cage.  And that is the day we took home our sweet boy.





Dex is such a great addition to our family!  He and his brother Chase have become the best of friends.  It brings us so much happiness to see them running around and playing in the backyard and curling up together for their naps.  They are pretty much inseparable.






I was a bit apprehensive about getting a second dog since I thought it might be a bit challenging but it has been quite the opposite!!  They keep each other company and have so much fun together!




We recently took the dogs to both of our home towns over the holidays and our families could not believe how well-behaved the dogs were and how well they got along after a little over a week together!  

We love Dex so much and cannot imagine life without him!  Thank you so much!!! 

Best wishes, 

Kelly, Alain, Dex & Chase




Update January ’11 …

I've attached some pictures ... he's getting along very well with his brother and everyone loves him!!!  He's so nice with children too, very gentle.



















Update March ’11 …

Here are more photos, they are still having lots of fun together all the time at the field ...













Update July ’11 …

Dex is great as always; he LOVES to sit on chairs outside, it's his new thing now.












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