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We can't tell you how happy we were to find Dexter!  He has fit right in.  He listens very well and we've only had the minor expected adjustment accidents in the house. 






I think he's a bit overwhelmed with the amount of space that he has to run in.  He has quick naps as soon as he stops for two minutes :)  He found all the balls that were in the toy box which have made him extremely happy.  He was also impressed with the pond, pool, and garden hose!  He is such a joy! 





I've attached a few photos of him just so you know where he is and what he has been up to.  The first one is Dexter with our 13 year old husky, Madison.  The next two are Dexter playing in water. 






The next is Dexter and his new buddy, Cooter, hanging out.  And just so you don't forget, it's all about the ball!  I'll keep you posted as time goes by because I love to share photos.




We wish you the best success with finding new homes for every companion that crosses your paths.







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