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This is Dexter.  We adopted him as a puppy from the SPCA of Western Quebec on December 20, 2011.  My husband had wanted a dog for years, and how could I say 'no' to this adorable face.  We think he is part Lab, part Rhodesian Ridgeback, and maybe part something else.





Dexter loves to run, go for hikes in the woods, accompany us on bike rides, retrieve golf balls, swim, and do pretty much any other outdoor activity we like to do.  He's also pretty happy just chilling with us, so we get the best of both worlds - a dog who loves to play and cuddle. 







His only 'faults' are that he doesn't realize how big he is so he tries to snuggle up on top of us like the cat instead of beside us, and he thinks we give him plush chew toys as tests of intelligence to see how fast he can destroy them! 







We are so happy Dexter has joined our family.  We couldn't have asked for a better dog.






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