We have never been so in love with a dog. He has been amazing us
all afternoon in and out of the vehicle.

It didn't take us very long to agree on a name ...... DEXTER it is!!!!
We took him into Pet Smart and he wooed us, as well as everyone in

We are about to walk over to our kids' school and as a surprise we
will have him by our side. The kids are going to be so excited
because last week our kids had a chance to spend some time with him
and they haven't stopped talking about him since.

We are very excited about showing Dexter off. He will be 11 months on
the 26th Feb and now weighs 72 lbs!!! Very tall and of course a

We are having trouble with his eye at the moment. He had a booster
shot 2 days ago and he had a bad reaction in his cloudy eye. It was
very swollen and irratated .... poor guy.

We plan on bringing him by for a visit sometime in the near future.

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