Dexter has settled in very nicely. He is amazing. I cannot believe he
is only 6 months old! He has bonded with us instantly, especially with
our daughter. He slept on her lap the whole way home.

He is also so good when it's time to go into his crate either at night
or if we leave for a few hours; not a sound and never an accident in
it either. I was very surprised. One of our cats has adjusted and is
fine. She hisses and poor Dexter is hiding his face like he doesn't
see her. Our other cat (our three legged cat) is a little more
apprehensive but I am sure she will adjust.

Dexter is also so good on the leash. Until he is trained to come all
the time, I think we might close in the bottom on our 60 ft round pen
(we used to use that to train the horses) so that he has a place to
run and play off leash. He really wants to run ;). He has met the
horses and thinks they are a play buddy!

Ironically, my husband was on a retreat this weekend so I was solo
with Dexter, my daughter and the horses and I was so surprised at how
well he adjusted. He even went for a swim in the river. He is getting
a lot of exercise ;). He also sits and lays down on command. So
well-behaved for a puppy! He loves to steal my daughter's flip flops.

We couldn't ask for a better dog! Now to work on his recall so we can
eventually let him off the leash and enjoy the country life! He is a
perfect fit! Glad we were able to give him a home. Not sure what his
first six months of life entailed but he will sure have a sweet life
from here on out!
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