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Django & Slick


Here are a couple of snaps of Django (formerly Pluto) and one of Slick (formerly Moonlight).  They are both from your facility.  We have another cat Twister whom we brought with us from BC when we moved back.  He is a
Chilliwack kitty rescue.

We get an enormous amount of interest in Django when we are out.  Everyone thinks he is so beautiful and well behaved (we can take very little credit for his behaviour - it is just his nature).  Everyone gets a kick out of his little pink nose.  They want to know what breed he is - they think he is something specific I guess. Clark tells everyone he is a Nepean Pounderanian.


He likes to play with our cats (they aren't as keen on him but everyone gets along).  He has lots of doggy friends in our neighborhood and a local forest where we walk him.  He is incredibly playful and agile.  He adores my brother's family as well and always parks himself near my nieces so that he can keep an eye on them.  He gets to spend lots of time at the cottage in the summer and at the maple sugar bush in the spring.

He is an excellent guard dog.  Just lets us know something or someone is about.  He doesn't bark a lot, but if he comes across someone he really is concerned about, he will let out a heck of a howl to notify us.

I think he was about 40 lbs when we brought him home at 8 months old and now is around 50-55 and looking mature without being chubby.  He is very fast :).



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