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Drake and Maggie; October 2010

Hi there SPCA,

Drake is a lovely dog and has settled down nicely into our life here in the old part of Hunt Club.  He's grown as you can see and still a bit thin, but we are working on fattening him up.  He's a very strong muscular dog now and
loves the outdoor life.


Drake; October 2010

Part of what we do every day is to go for a run in the woods.  Drake is learning how to hunt and track.  Squirrels are his favourite right now.  His buddy Maggie caught a porcupine the other day, but Drake had the good sense
not to get into it.  Drake has really spent the last six months learning how to be a dog - to find his way around in the woods by smell, jumping over downed trees and greeting other dogs along the way are part of his new skill set.

He is walking well on the leash now.  He is also quite good in a pack situation and has good dog social graces.  To help him with his fearfulness, we have been going out to the Canine College in Manotick for socialization with other German Shepherds and some other large breeds.  This has been really good for him and given him a stronger sense of self-confidence.

Drake: December 2010

We are still working on general dog obedience; that will take time.  The usual German Shepherd aloofness is very strong in Drake but as we can work with him off-leash, I know that on-leash will come with time.

Drake is a wonderful addition to our family.

Thank you for making that possible.



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Candace & Phil






Update July ’12 …

This is a picture of Drakey swimming with Conrad (his white shepherd buddy) and Phil.  We are soooo proud of Drakey.  It took a week or so of carrying him into the water to help him learn to swim, but he's made it.  And now he loves it. 




He will come to me at home and give me a terrific play bow that means he wants to go to the river and swim for sticks.  He's made the most enormous confidence improvements this summer. 

Just thought I would share this with you.




Sadly, Drake has passed away and is now remembered on our Rainbow Bridge page.  Our thoughts and prayers are with Drake's family.



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