We adopted Eevee (your Marigold) two years ago, in August 2011.
She has been my pride and joy ever since. It was love at first
sight for me. We have been inseparable ever since.

For the first year of her life I took off work, so we had plenty of
time for training - which she excelled at! She can now do over
12 commands, and we're still learning. She is very intelligent
and playful.

Her favorite past-times include camping, hiking, and playing with all
her friends at Bruce Pitt. She also loves road trips, often
sticking her head out the window for the majority of the trip.

She is the most person friendly dog I have ever seen, always eager to
greet new guests and passersby. We even got to meet her sister
Clover at Bruce Pitt once! (See photos below).

When she's not playing tug-o-war or asking for a belly-rub, she is
often content with sitting with me and cuddling.

She gets to accompany me to the office occasionally, and is curious
about the office cats. She is still uncertain of them at times,
but she is always friendly.

She has been my best friend, and I couldn't have asked for a better
one! It is safe to say she is my family.
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