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Daniel and I adopted Babe (now Einstein) on Saturday from the SPCA.  He had no problem meeting our border collie, min pin and cat.  The border collie stared at him for hours!

We had many people come over to see our new friend.  He is doing very well and loves digging up our garden.  Today he spent his time sleeping in the sun and we put lots of sunscreen on his ears to protect him!  We bought some things to baby-proof the house because the first thing he did was figure out how to get into the cupboards and eat oatmeal and corn kernels.

He is all cleaned up and we are hoping to get him back into the harness and take him for a walk tomorrow.  Last night he feel asleep under his blanket in the living room and did not move until the sun came up at 6:30 am!

Thanks so much!

Mary and Daniel





Update June '11 ...

Einstein has been for two walks around the block and he turns heads everywhere he goes.  He has many new friends and almost every child on our street has come out to meet him. 




I have one photo of him at bedtime.  He goes to bed at 9pm every night and we get his bed ready and tuck him in tight.  He usually does not wake up until the sun comes up.

The other photo was a milestone for him.  He figured out how to jump onto the couch and now he can sit (sleep) with Sacha the Border Collie.



Update June ’11 …

Einstein really was in a music video on the weekend.  He had a starring role!  My boyfriend, Daniel, received a grant to do a video with his band in Quebec.  It was a circus-freak show theme and so in the video, a girl is buying a drink at the bar.  The bartender tells her it was already paid for.  She asks by whom and the bartender points to the end of the bar where Einstein is sitting in his top hat.  When the video has finished editing, we will send it so you can see him as a movie star!!


Update August '12 ...

Here it is - his 'debut' is at about 2:20 into the video!


He is doing well and we are lucky that all our neighbours love him and bring him food!  We usually get 1-2 bags of food scraps left on our doorstep for him a day!  Although he lives and sleeps indoors, we built him a little pen in the backyard where he can relax outside when it is sunny.  It is filled with wood shavings so he can dig to his heart's content!




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