We adopted Ella (Cinder's new name!) and we absolutely adore her!
She had a good first night and happily went in and out of her crate on
her own. She cried quite a bit (and loudly) when we all went upstairs
to bed, so my husband went and slept on the couch in the living room
and we moved her into the front hall (from the kitchen) so she could
see him, and she happily slept. She whined at night once and we took
her out and she peed and then went back to sleep.
She has done well at peeing/pooping outside with only one accident
I consider our fault since it was shortly after we returned home, I
could tell she had to go and we weren't quick enough getting our coat
Thank you!!!
Attached is a picture of Ella happily asleep in her crate (yellow mark
is a stain, no pee in crate!!).

Update December '15
wanted to pass along an update on our puppy Ella (her name was Cinder
when we adopted her from the SPCA in February) - she had her first
birthday yesterday! She is by far, one of the loveliest, sweetest
dogs on the planet and we are grateful everyday for having adopted

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