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Elliott is a really lovable, goofy big boy.  We got him in January from a couple who said that they had to get rid of him. 









He was 18 months at the time.  He easily fit into our family.  His favorite spot is cuddled up on the couch with someone. 







He loves, loves, loves to play and throw his teddy bears.  As soon as Dave (Elliott's Daddy) and I get home, he waits till you tell him, but he gently climbs onto your shoulders and puts his head against yours for a big hug and a dainty little kiss. 







We will be bringing him to the vet in the next month or so to have preventative surgery on his tummy (to have it stitched to protect against bloat).  Losing Hugo to bloat was devastating and we want to do anything in our power to prevent another dog going through that.





Atticus is still with his other owner, we were supposed to travel to Woodstock this weekend to bring him to his retirement home, AKA our home, but our trip was postponed.  Atticus will only be coming in the next week or so, but we are anxiously awaiting his arrival!!













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