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We can't even express how amazing Elvira is doing!  We were well aware that it can take awhile for cats to settle into a new home and lifestyle but this was not the case with her at all; she slept with us on her first night here!

Her transition couldn't have been more smooth.  Over the last couple of weeks we have noticed that she's becoming more and more relaxed; we find her taking naps all over the place instead of a few selected spots and she's beginning to talk to us more even though she was a purring machine from the very start.

We're also learning fun things about her, like for instance, she likes to
curl up and sleep under the blankets!  We had her to the vet earlier this week, she did great and also got a clean bill of health!

Here are a few pictures taken from my phone of Miss Green Eyes Elvira in some of her favorite spots!

She really enjoys lounging on us, here she is on Eric's lap while watching TV.

Perched on top of the recliner, taking in the sights outside.

Stretching and scratching on the carpet (she loooves the carpet!) while having a little chat with me.

And finally, laying on the bed, waiting for us to settle in for the night.  I often have to use filters on the pictures or else she's just one big black furball with green eyes! :)

We are so happy to have Elvira in our home and we are already bragging about how amazing she is!

Thanks so much for everything!

















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