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I wanted to thank you again for helping me to find Frankie (aka Magic).  He is just about the sweetest little dog ever born ...quiet, laid back and so gentle.  He is an awesome cuddler, gives sweet puppy kisses and is a terrific co-pilot.  He is so friendly with people and confident approaching other dogs.



Frankie is settling in nicely and as he relaxes, his little personality is coming out.  He has a goofy side which is adorable and quite amusing.  He is a source of entertainment for his 'cousin' Pause ...the cat seems to
have taken quite an interest in Frankie, not that Frankie notices. Bringing Frankie into the house has been an easy and enriching experience for the cat (as you can see from the picture).




It became really clear very quickly that Frankie has never received any training of any kind so we are working on that.  I feel that I will be able to get the pooping under control ... and thank goodness for bladder belts. Given his age, 5 years is a long time to establish a habit and so I'm not sure we will ever be able to give up on the bladder belts.

I've signed us up for training so that we can work on all the other things.  He is so tiny (7 lbs) so I want to make sure that we are doing the best type of training for him.  One step at a time ...he is smart and I feel he will do well with a little guidance!



He doesn't seem to have much interest in toys ...but we will keep trying.

He likes the water and gave his life jacket a whirl this long weekend at the cottage.  He hesitates on stairs but will tackle them with the right motivation ...his curiosity seems to be the best motivation but I'm working on finding ones that I can use to motivate him as well.  Again ... a process.

Thank you so much for all your help!  Frankie is such a joy and I'm so grateful to have him!




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