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Thank you so much for letting me adopt Frida (previously Ola) in October of 2009.  Although a puppy mill dog, she is quickly adapting to her new home and learning to get over her fears.  She's a very happy, affectionate, smart and playful little girl.

Frida loves food and spins in circles when I'm getting it ready.  She sleeps on the bed with me and Pie (another dog I adopted from the SPCA).  Pie totally ignored her new little sister for two weeks, but now they play wildly and get along fine.  Dooney the cat has decided she's okay too.

Frida has been busy exploring and playing with everything in my home.  (I came home the first week to find the sheet was stripped off the bed, and the pillows were on the floor.)  She loves squeaky toys, rawhide, being petted and brushed, and has learned to sit to get her treat.  She is now housetrained as well.

Frida loves going for walks with me and Pie, and sniffs everything, so we don't go anywhere in a hurry.  She is interested in people and dogs we meet along the way.  She goes with me to the dog park and has a wonderful time running full speed off leash and chasing and playing with the other dogs.

Thank you so much for letting me adopt Frida.  She is a delight and makes me laugh every day.



Update February '13

Frida is now 5.  She is the funniest of dogs both in appearance and behaviour.  She makes me laugh every day.  She is still afraid of people, but at home she is full of fun, kissing my hand, teasing and playing with me or her toys.  She likes to bark, fortunately it's a husky, low bark.  She's a great watchdog.  Frida is very feisty, and won't allow most dogs to sniff her.  She has a boyfriend named Kugel who she loves to play with.  So does her sister Pie.  Frida is great little monster and I am so lucky to have her.



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