Hello guys, It's me Oliver but they are calling me Gadjit now! I kind
of like it. Well it's been a very busy two weeks but I am so glad you
found me a forever home! I'm not coming back! Lol!!! Last Saturday I
got my stitches out, and met my new doctor who gave me a real check
over, except she thinks I'm too skinny. I weigh 10lbs, I'm a big boy

Well where I live is awesome. I live very close to a huge field where
Bob takes me daily for a great big walk. We walk for a half hour daily
but I had a little too much one day cause it was back to back big
walks and I was very tired before we finished. Bob carried me home, so
now I'm more careful.
My mom walks me everyday, we have a lot of fun. She made me a hand
knit sweater, oh it's so warm.

Last week Bob took me for a new haircut, ooooooo I'm a little cold!
But I look so handsome and feel so much better, all my matting is gone
and things are more comfortable. I will stay in touch from time to
time, but I just want to thank you for finding my forever home.

November '15
Hello, not sure you would remember me but my name was Oliver; my
owners now call me Gadjit. You guys looked after me last November,
well 1 year later I'm doing awesome. You found me some great owners
and I'm having the time of my life. Just want to thank you for finding
me my furever home and looking out for me.
Gadjit (Oliver)
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