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Just wanted to let you guys know Gamelle is doing amazing so far. She has
integrated very well. I can't believe anyone would give up this amazing dog. She's perfect inside the house, usually pretty calm and polite. Outside she has tons of energy and loves to run, walk, play outside etc. She seems to have separation anxiety issues as she's always following us around the house though and whining if we're not near her. Her first night in her new crate she whined quite a bit.

She's barely eaten her food too, but I imagine she won't starve herself... She's only taken a few bites here and there. Occaisionally she whines here and there. I think she misses her dog companion and family a lot. When we take her out for exercise she seems to forget about everything though. Apart from that she's been sleeping a lot. She doesn't have much interest in toys but she has started chewing this bone we got her. I attached a picture of her chewing the bone.



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