We are just over
the moon with delight with our new pal. He is everything one
could ask for in a pet. There is just one problem. When he
takes me for our many walks he wants to greet every pedestrian, jump
up on them and kiss them. He is also very tolerant of other
small dogs being walked but he lunges at big ones. Sometimes, I
think he thinks he is a Pit Bull.
It is difficult to
read a paper in the den with him around. He likes to sleep on a
newspaper or magazine or, preferably, a pillow or our feet. I am
attaching a photo image of him crashed on a small cushion. The
image on the pillow is needlepoint of our dear departed Jack Russell,
He can be a
nuisance in bed. If he wants your attention or wants to play, he
takes your finger (gently) in his little sharp teeth and tugs until
you comply. In muggy weather he prefers to sleep on the cold
tiles of our powder room or main bathroom.
He follows us
everywhere. Had I known how affectionate he was I would have
called him "Shadow" or "Crazy Glue".
As it is, we
adopted him in GATineau and he now lives in BYtown. So, we took
the first few letters of each municipality and christened him GATSBY.
We have only had him a couple of months but he responds to his new
He eats like a
truck driver but burns it off running and leaping around our
We have two second
floor balconies on the Driveway overlooking the Canal and they are his
Crow's Nests. He spends most of his days out there spotting
inline skaters, bikers, joggers and barking at other dogs passing by.
GATSBY will eat
anything. If you leave anything - a tool - on the carpet and
look for it - it is gone. He has it somewhere and is chewing it.
A man was here repairing a screen on one of our patio doors and he
stole his pliers and screwdriver.
Life is wonderful
with him. We feel blessed to have such a wonderful domesticated
quadruped, friend, companion and house clown.
Pat and Janet M.
(and Gatsby even has his own column - click
here to see!)

Update July ’11 …
is Gatsby's fifth birthday photo.

Update November ’11 …
Somebody is sleeping in Papa Bear's bed.
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