My husband and I would like to thank ALL
of you for taking such good care of Glory before fate brought her to
us. This e-mail is WAY overdue but life has been BUSY since
adopting Glory :)

Glory's first month with us was very hard
on her. She was depressed for a long time. We could tell
she really missed all of you very much. She is doing much better
these days. Every day, she is a bit happier. We have
really noticed a difference in her. She is happiest outdoors and
quite funny. We have taught her to shake paw and she LOVES the
snow. I have never seen a dog who loves snow this much.

She is also known as the friendliest dog
at the dog park. We take her to Conroy Pit on weekends and she
just cannot get enough. The sad, aloof dog that we met at your
shelter ... well, it turns out that she has a need for speed.
She is faster than ANY dog we have ever seen. None of the dogs
at the park can keep up with her. Who knew?

This dog has changed our lives. She
is such a sweetheart but also tough as nails. As former couch
potatoes we are now forced to exercise multiple times a day.
Glory is relentless. She has learned to manipulate us for belly
rubs and walks. We cannot resist her brown eyes. Not only
has she warmed our hearts but she is making us healthier.

I have attached some photos for you to
know she is happy and safe and very much loved. A little too
much ;)
Thank you for everything you do!

Update June '14
Just wanted to send you a Glory update. She is doing great! Such a
great match. We cannot imagine life without her.
This weekend she graduated the Happy D.O.G.S. Ottawa "Reality Dog
Training". We plan to sign her up for "Super Dogs Training" in the
fall. Check out her graduation photos. Beauty and brains :)

October '14
We adopted Glory one year ago today. We just wanted to let you know
that she is doing fantastic. She is so sweet and funny. We are all
very happy!
Glory is getting upgraded this year. We will be moving to a new home
with a bigger backyard in December. We will be in touch with our new
address soon.
Thank you again for taking care of our girl.
Amanda, Adam & Glory

Update February '15
I have attached a few photos we took in the fall. Glory is doing well.
Spoiled as always with us dog weirdo’s. Our move has made our
finances tight, but we will be donating to help Blue and Jasper. Thank
you for everything you do!

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