name is Sarah Anne and I adopted Mookie about 3 months ago. We
now call him Grisjeu, and he has settled into his new home very well
and seems to really enjoy it here!
(On his first few
days home, he hid under his chair for safety, but would come out for a
half hour every now and then to check us out.)

He is
a very playful boy and he brings us so much laughter and happiness.
He is definitely the perfect fit for our family.
(Like most cats,
Grisjeu gets a kick out of 'just' fitting into tight spaces.)

Grisjeu is also very smart (I'm sure everyone says this about their
pets!). We've never had to teach him not to go on the counters
or tables and he has only ever used the scratching post we got him for
his nails. We are very impressed. I think we may teach our
smart boy to use the toilet in the near future!
(He loves his
Grisjeu isn't stalking us, pouncing on us, or bolting around the
house, he is cat-napping next to me.
Thanks for helping to bring him into our lives. The adoption was
a great experience and our new playful cat fits in with us
Thank you so much,
Anne and Corey
(Even with many friends and family in the house, Grisjeu is content
and loves attention.)
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