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Just wanted to let you know that I am doing ever so well.  Have learned to
hide under the dining room table!  I love my kennel and have had no accidents, as I am good at letting Elsa know when I have to go outside. 






I am growing and having a great time with other family dogs.  My 'person' says that she is doing much better as well since I came home with her.  More soon. 






Thank you again for the good care you gave me at the shelter. 

xoxo  Harry






Update August '12 ...

I wanted to provide an update on my dear 'Harry'.  I adopted Harry on Nov 23, 2011.  He will be turning 1 year on Sept. 1, 2012.  The name Harry was given to him by the Aylmer SPCA - since it suited him so well, we felt he should remain 'Harry'.



Harry has been a wonderful addition to my home.  He is of good disposition, learns quickly and is still full of beans.  We walk at Conroy Pits every day - he runs with many of the dogs that he meets, thus getting very good exercise.  It is amazing how many dogs we meet who were adopted from Aylmer SPCA.  We all agree that it is a wonderful place and we are grateful to you.  Harry is well loved by family members and their dogs.



Am attaching photos from day of adoption and how Harry looks at nearly one year.

Wishing you all the best.  Thank you again for Harry!

Elsa ..... and Harry, of course!









































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