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I hope you don't mind but we have renamed Carey to Harry and he has adapted to the change very well.  Harry has been a delight from the first day of our life with him. 






We have a 13 year old rescue dog, Jade, which we have had for 10 years.  We were a little apprehensive about bringing another dog into our household since Jade was "Queen of the Castle" for so long.  From day one, Harry was immediately accepted by Jade and the two dogs are now inseparable.  They do everything together; sleep, eat, walk, play, and bark.  They continually look for the other one and usually are not far apart.





We were used to taking Jade on bike rides and once we acquired another bike basket, my husband and I were able to take both dogs on the bikes.  They love their bike rides, walks, car rides and just hanging out together.






We thank you for your care and support of Harry and making it possible for us to adopt him.  Rest assured he is happy, healthy and loved the way any pet should be.  Harry is not only a new dog to our family but another child to care, love, spoil and grow old with.





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