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I adopted Harvey from your shelter last October 2010.  Harvey's a sweet, affectionate boy who is very obedient.  I adopted him so that my other boy, Pinot, would not be alone while I'm at work.  Pinot was very happy to have his new friend, and although Harvey needed some adjustment at first, it didn't take long that he made himself comfortable and adopted us as his
new family.

Pinot and Harvey have a huge yard, which goes a bit into the forest, where they can chase each other and play.  Harvey did have a bad habit, which I think we're successfully changing slowly:  he likes to steal anything that Pinot has in his mouth, which Pinot always has, so Pinot uses this to tease Harvey in order to have him chase him around the yard ... it's really funny, and it's really impressive to see them go ... WOW, can they run fast!


Harvey also loves to play with the toys, especially the Kong toy that looks like an octopus.  He holds the legs in his mouth and swings the toy so that it hits each side of his head.  He does that WHILE running in the yard at the same time.  And sometimes he just jumps around with the toy, looking like those bulls in rodeos ... it's really funny to watch.  Pinot has been watching Harvey having all this fun lately, so he's started to play with the toys in a similar way ... a real copy-cat ... or should I say copy-dog.


We live in the country so we enjoy our walks together.  We sometimes go with some friends (human and canine).  My parents like to come over and see the boys while I'm at work, almost every day, so they really love my folks too.  They also love my sister.

So, I'm glad to say that Harvey is a good boy and he's been a good addition to the family.





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