Thank you so much
for the email, I was thinking about emailing you with some pictures
actually. Mom and dad just got their computers up and
running after moving, so they will download the photo's and send them
Things are going
well, and I am living a very good life. I have been catching
onto the commands Amber and Mathew give me, but I sometimes like to
test them to see if I can get away with not listening. For the
most part, I do listen and do what I am told. I guess I'm still a bit
excitable and I can't sit still for very long. I just get really
antsy sometimes because I want to know everything going on.
I get out for lots
of walks, and go to off-leash parks to play with other dogs sometimes.
We live near a school yard, so Shadow and I run and play there for a
few hours at a time. Our nana comes to visit every Tues and Wed
to give mom and dad a break and to stay with us during the day
while they are at work. She is so kind, and I love her so much.
She is also very good to us. We get to go everywhere with her
and she takes us out to off-leash dog parks and walks all the time.
We also spend a lot
of time sitting in our backyard with mom and dad just enjoying the sun
(when we have sun). We also get to go camping almost every
weekend, and Mathew is going to try taking me kayaking soon.
Shadow gets to go all the time because she is used to it and has a
life jacket. I just got one, so I am going to try it out.
I love the water, so it should be good. We don't go into the
white-water. We just sit on the front of the kayaks, and swim in
the flat water. The life jacket is just in case I jump in the
white-water so I don't drown.
I REALLY like to
follow Amber everywhere, and I'm not sure why. All I know is
that I can't help myself, and I just want to be close. I
sometimes run into the back side of her because I am so close, and she
laughs at me. I still have a bit of separation anxiety I suppose
because I have to be close to them.
Anyways, I will
write more with the pictures when we send them.
Thanks for the
email, and I hope all the other doggies at the SPCA are finding as
good a home as I am in.
staff and friends at the SPCA,
I just wanted to send out a big RUFF RUFF to all of you. My life is
so good here with Mathew and Amber, and I am treated like a queen. We
just bought a new house, so I have 1/2 acre to run around on. I also
get lots of toys, treats and lovin!! Amber and Mathew still take us
up to see our nana in Beachburg, where we have over 100 acres of land
to run on, and water to swim in. We still go kayaking with our
humans, and I am really good at it now....although I would much rather
run the shoreline than waste all the energy swimming. I love to chase
the ducks in the water too, and I try to fly with them when they take
off. It never really works out that well for me! ha-ha! I
attached a photo of me and my big sister Shadow to this email so you
could see what we look like swimming in our life jackets.
On a last note, I really want to tell all of you fellow animals that I
REALLY hope you all find good homes like I did. I am so fortunate
that my humans found me, and I am confident good ones will find all of
you as well. Amber and Mathew told me to tell you that they will
spread the word to all their loving friends to adopt. Please have
faith and stay strong, good things do happen!!
HERSHEY (and Shadow)
& Mathew (who have created
their own doggie poster - click here
to see!)
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