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I had been looking for my perfect dog for months and no dog really fit my lifestyle and personality.  I started walking dogs again at the SPCA and one of the employees suggested that I take Clyde out for a walk.  Right away, I saw he was special.  He wasn’t barking or jumping up like the other dogs in the adjoining pens. 





After our walk together, I decided that he was the dog for me.  I took Hugo (formerly Clyde) home a week later.  It just happened that he’s a “big black dog” and these guys take much longer to get adopted than others.  He weighs 95 pounds and could put on a few more since he’s so thin. 



Since he’s been with my 13 year old terrier mix Pipo and myself, Hugo has been very good.  He loves everyone who comes to visit, even the UPS guy who made a delivery.  He loves kids also and is very gentle with them, even those who are half his size.  Hugo has settled in very well and has our routine down pat.

He’s such an easy going boy!  He’s the perfect addition to my family!  Thank you to the Aylmer SPCA and congratulations on the exceptional work you do!






Update December ’11 …

Hugo got his picture taken with Santa!

Considering his size and the crowded space, he did just great!




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