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Butterscotch has been making himself quite at home!  He loves to play and
carry the little furry toys, every evening he runs down the hall with furry toy mice in his mouth!  He's very funny to watch. 







The others are getting more used to him;  I don't think Marvin will ever 'like' another cat but I think he will tolerate him.  Butterscotch runs up to him to play and Marvin growls and swings at him, Butterscotch just stops and turns away with a look of "I guess now is not a good time to play?" 






That being said, Marvin was in the cat room, in the large dog crate (48 inch) that I had set up for Butterscotch, drinking from Butterscotch's water the other day. 







Here are a couple more pictures of him on the cat tower (we have a cat tower in each room so they can each have their own without having to share) ... He likes watching everything outside.







Update August '13

Well, we did it!  We got all 3 on the cat tower!  I've attached a picture (sort of fuzzy though) and a picture of Butterscotch looking very stressed (just kidding) while lying on the top of the tower.  He is such an amazing cat! 






We still have him separated while I'm at work during the day as Marvin still gets fearful sometimes ... anyway, the other day, we couldn't see Butterscotch, so when we went looking for him he was lying in the cat carrier in the big crate that he normally sleeps in during the day!





He has done amazing things for the household already!  Annie has pretty much stopped 'attacking' Marvin now.  I've also attached a picture of Marvin in the kitchen cat tower ... did I mention we have 5 towers for 3 cats to share? :-)

They bring us so much joy ... wish I could adopt them all!




Update March '15

I just wanted to give you an update on our furred kiddies ... Godiva, Muffin, and Butterscotch (Annie, Marvin, Hunter). They are all doing very well, and getting along reasonably well. We celebrated Marvin's 10th birthday in March, well as much as he'd celebrate ... He's pretty laid back. I've attached a picture of him relaxing on one of the towers, with Hunter.

I check your website often :-)






Here's a picture of Annie with her brothers on a different tower. This tower is in front of the huge living room window where they get to watch the birds and squirrels. Marvin is on the top, then Hunter, then Annie.






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