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We have been having a fantastic time with sweet Iggy (her new name)! Will
send a full update shortly! We have had a busy few weeks and Iggy is doing
very well. She has mastered lots of tricks in a matter of a few days: sit, lay down and paw! She loves everyone and stops everyone in the street for
kisses! She had her last set of shots today and did really well.

We love her lots and will send more details soon! For now here are a couple
of pictures.





















Update May '15

Just wanted to share this sweet photo of Iggy running around with me yesterday on one of the nicest days we've had this year! She loves being outside, running and playing and is just a ton of fun to be around.






Update July '15

Please find a recent picture of Iggy shortly after her spay, she is recovering very quickly! She is constantly impressing us with her smarts and sweet demeanour. I am always stopped outside and told how beautiful and sweet is she (likely because Iggy can't resist giving kisses to all humans and animals she meets).





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