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When we adopted Ivy, she was all bones and fur.  In observing her adjustment to our family, we realized that she was not an abused puppy (okay, she was five years old) but just severely neglected with not being fed regularly, did not know how to go up and down the stairs (must have lived in an apartment) and starving for snuggles and hugs.



When we took Ivy to our vet for her spring check-up, we were advised that Ivy had severe kidney disease, the result of malnutrition.  The vet suggested we change Ivy's food to a low protein diet and not to proceed with any surgery; as there were no guarantees that the surgery would be successful and they were concerned whether Ivy would even survive the surgery.  The vet ended the conversation with the information that we would be having a different conversation on Ivy's health come fall.  Well, 8 months later, Ivy is at the proper weight for her breed, experiencing no problems with her kidneys (vomiting, uncontrollable urinating, etc.).  We honestly believe that this is the result of the change in diet and being well loved by the Hope family.


I have enclosed some pictures of Ivy from when we first adopted her to Christmas 2009.

I have to say, although it was sad for all of us to find out we may lose Ivy soon, our family said we would do it all over again in adopting Ivy!!




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