Thought you would like an update on how darling Sprinkles, now named
Jackson, is doing.
Our trip back to the cottage took about 2 hours and we had no trouble
at all with both dogs. When we got to the cottage, we let
Jackson play outside for awhile with our kids and their friends.
There are two steps to go into the cottage; Jackson would not go on
them, so we carried him in. He was very hesitant to go in or out
of the doors at the cottage.

first night we placed his dog bed at the foot of our bed and he slept
through the night and no accidents. Our deck around the cottage
is quite big and safe, so we let Jackson go out on it. He
wouldn't go down any of the stairs off the deck, and we put barriers
across so he wouldn't fall down. There was a lounge chair on the
deck and he would curl up there and fall asleep. He also loved
lying on top of the hot tub on the cover.

day we took both dogs for a 6km walk and they did so well. By
Monday, Jackson was going up and down all the stairs even all the way
down to the dock and back up again. Jackson became quite at home
and we had to use the words 'no' and 'down' more frequently. We
never had one accident at the cottage.

We drove home last night and he was fine in the car. Now he had
a whole new place to familiarize himself with.
At home he is
sure busy. Loves to bring the carpets from the hardwood floors
down to the basement. He doesn't do anything with them down
there but we bring them back up and down they go again. I think
he is starting to know the meaning of "no".

Jackson has been such a sweetie and already part of the family.
Thank you so much for rescuing him. We love him dearly.
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