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Jasper (or Odin, Rebel) has been a true blessing to Sarah and I.  He joined our family last August 2009 and has quickly become a piece of the puzzle that we would be lost without.




Jasper has so many unique qualities about him that make him a truly amazing friend to have around everyday.  We love taking him to Bruce Pit and to watch him meander along the trails contently visiting every canine possible.  "Cuddle Bug" is a word that Sarah has become used to calling him when I'm at work, as Jasper loves to snuggle with her, seemingly content with his new couch lifestyle.  We didn't know he was a couch dog until we came home from work and caught him lying on the couch, then we caught him a few more times; now we have a dog blanket stretched across the couch, and it's quite funny to see the 3 of us squeezed in there on an average evening all hanging out together watching television.  All of us watching television - yes, even Jasper!  Another thing we would find out about him throughout our time together.


Jasper loves to swim, watch television (basketball and golf mostly), walk, meet people and dogs, and smile.  He's really got a great spirit about him and it's quite amazing to see the reaction of the people that meet him for the 1st time as he walks up and brushes his fur against their hands as if he's been their friend for a number of years.  He also really loves his native language and it's easy to see a sense of happiness about him when you speak le français to him.


It really seems judging by Jasper's worn-down flat teeth, that before our family he's had a really tough life.  We're not quite sure how old he is, maybe 9 or 10.  But our mission since he came into our household has been to let him be as comfortable as he can be and show him a life that he can truly enjoy and appreciate.  We are so glad that we both feel comfortable that he's got that now, and that he's come into our lives and made them much more vibrant and alive with his beautiful personality.  We also are quite confident that he feels the same way, and that we all were meant to cross each other's paths.




Thanks a million,

Dustin and Sarah






Update February ’11 … 

Here are 2 recent photos of Jasper.  He really loves playing in the snow!













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