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Our handsome boy is doing good. He is like a big pup who will never grow up :).

We built him a fenced yard, his own, about 1 acre big, so he runs and
plays with the rest of the pack.  Unfortunately, he still likes to roam and after consulting a few dog trainers and doing what we could, he still would love to go and explore. 






We think he has a strong prey drive, he kills frogs if they jump in front of him and I am trying hard to correct this.  But as you know, some dogs will never stop.  He even killed a baby bird which fell out of the tree :(.  I have one more appointment with him with another dog trainer, but like he said it is very unlikely to make him stop. 





We are not giving up.  All neighbors know him and like him, so at least he is not in any danger from them.  Otherwise he is fine, sleeps in bed with me, and he is a good boy.  Loves his food and ha, ha, will not go to the pond to swim.  This is the only thing that he is not happy about - water!!  Maybe in time he will decide that is fun, but I will not force him, he will make up his mind. 





I have so many pictures of him in my fb albums.  I donated many pictures of my dogs for fundraiser for two rescues.  Maybe ppl will buy them and we will be able to help more dogs.  I still help my friend with her rescue and we got a girl Panda (older dog) and she has been placed in an amazing, loving home.







Helping dogs gives me a lot of satisfaction, I only wish that people would stop breeding.  So many of them needing homes :(.

Jedi (Leo) sends kisses.




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