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We adopted Jenna (formerly named Misty), a husky/shepherd mix, from you at the end of July 2010.  It's been a few months, and we thought you'd like to know how she's doing.






It took some time for her to adjust as she was very timid and nervous, but we earned her trust and she quickly became a very big part of our lives.  She's still very nervous around other adults, but is wonderful with





She loves to run, which she does when we take her to Bruce Pit, an off-leash dog park, at least 5 times a week.  She was nervous around the other dogs at first, especially the larger breeds, but now she is very social and loves to play and be chased.  She can also be a complete couch potato and gets along very well with our two cats.  She also likes to garden and has rearranged our flowers for us.




She's very intelligent.  Her favourite trick is picking up her kong and placing it in our laps to be filled with treats.  She likes to talk when she wants something.  We're looking into starting dog agility classes with her, once we work on her focus while walking.  She LOVES to chase squirrels, and LOVES other dogs, so she often gets distracted while walking and pulls quite a bit.  We'll probably start with a refresher in
obedience school soon.



I've attached some photos for you and will send more updates later!

Thank you so much for our beautiful dog.

Jenna's family




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