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Jenny Penny




Jennifer Penelope (formery Maia)

It took so long for me to write you because my mom is COMPLETELY
untechnical and even though she got a digital camera as a gift, it took
her FOREVER to figure out how to upload my picture! 





I just wanted to write and say thanks for letting her adopt me!  I'm having a BLAST, terrorizing my big sister Mollie - we run and play all day in the yard, then mom takes us to the park where we run and play some more. 






Mom keeps saying something about Agility or Flyball, but I still drool and barf if I even LOOK at a car!  In spite of that, my mom still seems to love me a lot, and even lets me snuggle on her lap, while big ole' Mollie is stuck
looking up at me (gotta love that TOO!)! 






The only one here I have not taken COMPLETE control over is the darned cat SMUDGE!  I kind of have to forgive her though ... she's 15 ... and you know what they say about teaching old cats new tricks! 






Bye for now,

Jenny Penny (aka "Miss Bossy-Pants")






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