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Jet is very happy with her new home in Brockville, ON along the beautiful St. Lawrence River.  Kerey & Larry are the proud new parents and Jet is sooo happy that they chose her.




Jet loves going for walks and is doing very good on the leash.  She is eager to learn new skills.  We ventured to the off-leash doggie park and she loved being able to run within the fenced area.  She is still a puppy and loves to meet new friends.  Every morning we walk to Centeen Park.  Jet loves to watch the boat traffic and the rowing club out practising.  She loves the space and the great walking trails we have in Brockville.



We went to the doctors and the doctor was very impressed with her health.  He agreed that she is about 1 1/2 years old.  We have decided to celebrate her birthday on April 28th! - the day she came "home" with us.  Then we will count by the 1/2 years so we will celebrate 2 1/2 years next April!

This past Monday we started obedience training and Jet loves to learn.  She did very well for the first time out.  We are having 1 hour sessions for 7 weeks.  We are excited!

So, that is the update from Brockville and the 1000 Islands.

Update June '09 ... 

Jet had her 1st trip to the cottage this past weekend and LOVED it! 

She went swimming for the 1st time,

She slept in a bunk bed for the 1st time.

She had her own adventure in the swamp on her own - all alone.

She had fun chasing chipmunks. 




Jet loves the cottage!  And we love Jet!


Kerey & Larry




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