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I thought you would like to hear how Summer, 14580, is doing in her new home.  Her name is now Joon, which means 'dear one'.  When we visited the shelter in Aylmer, we had seen Summer/Joon's picture on your website; although we were open to other possibilities, we are very
fond of the Russian Blue because of their loving and gentle nature. 




When we saw little Summer, we felt so sorry for her that we had to take her home.  We knew she had a tough time of it, having come from Montreal and a high kill shelter.  She was only four pounds, shy and pretty fearful, especially around men.  Initially we had to squat down or kneel to approach her, but if we were sitting she would come and peek at us.  She showed every sign of having been kicked around quite a bit.  The first night, however, she soon appeared on the bed and was happily purring away. 



We were concerned that our other cat, Moon, a rescue from the Toronto Animal Services and also a Russian Blue, would feel jealous.  We attempted to keep them apart, only to find that within the first 15 minutes of Summer's arrival they were crying on each side of the door and putting their paws underneath to touch each other.  We decided to see what would happen when they met for the first time.  They rubbed noses, sniffed and checked each other out. 



Since then, Moon has instructed Summer in basic house cat things like playing, drinking from your own cat glass, and how to eat anytime you want, not just when you are starving!  In two weeks, Summer/Joon has had a bath, which she didn't mind at all, been to the vet, gained two pounds and discovered that it's ok to sit on people's laps!  She's learned to play with all the cat toys and now both cats are acting like kittens, running and playing.  Now both cats enjoy sleeping on the bed with us at night - after chewing our toes. 





Thanks for saving Summer from Montreal!  She's a sweet and lovable little cat who has enriched not only our lives, but Moon the cat's life as well.






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