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Charlene, now known as Kali, is doing wonderfully. She has settled into her new home quickly and loves playing with the cat.







Recently I took her to Toronto to meet my parents and they immediately fell in love with her. We went to Cherry Beach Dog park where she had her first encounter with water, to which she ran right in and began frolicking around.






She gets along great with other dogs and has begun training to walk off leash. She has a bright personality and loves meeting new people, it's impossible to walk down the street without her saying hello to everyone around her.





She has opened up and come out of her shell and is proving to be such a good girl. She loves playing with all her toys and cuddling up to anyone and everyone. Her temperament for strangers and new dogs is amazing, she has lost most of the skittish tendencies from when I first met her.





Upon her first vet appointment, duriing which she was so excellently behaved, I was told she has perfect health! Many exciting adventures to look forward to with Kali, cannot wait to see what the future holds. Thanks again to the amazing staff!!







Attached are some photos from our adventure at the beach!





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