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We adopted Kaya (formerly known as Taiia) on January 29th.  She is a real treasure.  The first few weeks she was quite shy and a bit fearful perhaps, but it has been fascinating to watch her becoming more self-confident.  She is extremely friendly to everyone, human or canine.  It is a joy to walk her as her funny face and sweet nature brings a smile to almost everyone's face.  





We wonder what her experiences were before she arrived at the shelter; we were told that she was found wandering in Montreal, and certainly she still has "itinerant tendencies", trying to hoover up anything she finds on the street.  She once threw up a beer bottle cap, which speaks volumes for her itinerant lifestyle, so we try to keep a closer eye on that now.



We're sure that she is a very smart dog.  In the short space of time she has been with us, she has learned to sit and stay and come when she's called.  She is learning to walk to heel, and to run with me (Gilly) on a harness.  In the description of her on the SPCA website (which we found after we adopted her), the writer said they thought she would be a good jogging and cross country skiing partner; we think that's going to be the case.  We also believe that she may have the promise of a future career as a therapy dog.  She has already provided comfort to quite a few people, particularly one of my co-workers whose Granny was ill.  She accompanied her to the airport in the car, and gently held her hand in her mouth for the entire journey. 



We have to add that she's no goody-goody though.  She has created some spectacular messes in the basement when she was left for a few hours, most notably tangling yards and yards of knitting yarn which we thought were well out of her reach.





We can't thank the staff at the SPCA enough for suggesting that we consider her, she really is a great companion for us. 

Huffy and Gilly





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