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Kayuk is unbelievable, she is absolutely great:  she gained weight, she is
obedient, loving and incredibly smart.  In fact, we sometimes wonder if she had some kind of special training or was living with a disabled person.

For example, when we are ready to go out for a walk, she would sit at the
top of the stairs and wait until one of us is ready to go down, then she follows right next to the person, and there is no leash.  Or when I accidentally dropped the glove behind me, she sat down next to it and pointed at it with her nose.  Or takes care of us while we are walking - always stays between us and the other dog, friendly but cautious, or "herding" our cats (this one is hilarious), etc..

Outside, she is without leash most of the time (since the end of October) - she doesn't really need it.  She makes sure she is close to us, never takes off, stops right away when I tell her to stop (usually she just sits down and waits until I tell her "go"), and knows "no" - she stops or drops whatever she has in her mouth (sometimes picking up something from
the floor).

Kayuk is friendly with the other dogs, and is very confident now - have never seen her with a tail down anymore, she doesn't bark (except one time when the other dog was a bit aggressive) and if she feels unsure, the fur on her back is up but she is calm.  She just plays a role of a quiet protector.

Once she jumped on the bed - I asked her off, and she never did it again.

When I come back from work, she sings and smiles so her face looks like a prune.  As you can see, she is quite a character, and makes our lives filled with love on a daily basis.

A day before Christmas she gobbled up a large pizza - my son and I were on the way to visit a friend, got pizza and then stopped at another store just for a few minutes to get a gift card.  When we came back to the car and opened the trunk .... she was sitting on the pizza box, looking innocently, and then I shushed her off to the back seat.  We found out that she opened the box, sucked in the pizza, then closed the box and sat on it.  I don't remember when we were laughing that much!  Well, next day her poop could fit only in a shopping bag ... which barely did.

And btw, at home she never steals - she waits until we hand to her.  So this is our Kayuk.

Last year was hard, John was sick often and I lost my very close friend, but this dog is a highlight and a delight of last year.

As soon as the weather is a bit more merciful we would like to visit SPCA, as we planned, and I hope we can see each other - and dogs can play together, she is definitely ready.

Please say our best wishes to all at SPCA and our HUGE thank you.


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