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Hi, I'm Keeper (aka bunny tail).  I'm a Giant Schnauzer almost 2 yrs old.  When I get scared I have a big bark, which scares people away from me :(.  My previous owner was not very nice to me.

A few months ago, my new family came to see me.  They took me for a walk
and gave me some treats - it was love.  When I was told I was going to my new
home, I didn't know I was leaving in a car!  I tried my hardest not to get into it; I planted my feet and butt on the ground.  They still managed to get me into the car.



When I arrived at my "new home", I was very anxious, even had a few accidents on the floor.  One of the humans was constantly talking to me and petting me.  I decided this Rachael human is my new mum.  She goes in the kitchen, I go into the kitchen, bathroom, computer room; ALWAYS by her side, except when she goes upstairs or downstairs.  Stairs are tricky.  There are 2 cats living here.  I always see them going up and down those stairs!  So, I just had to try them out cause I'm a dog.  Stairs aren't so scary :).



When we go for our walks, I feel I have to protect my humans from cars and humans and try to jump at them.  They don't seem to understand.  I've overcome my fear of riding in cars!  Every time we go into a car, were going to visit Nora!  She's a Bouvier and just my size to run and play with.  My best friend is a Husky that lives next door - we play for hours!



Me and mum have been working on sit, stay, come and paw - oh, oh and I can speak without barking :).  She's so very happy for me.  I don't like when I'm left alone; I know she'll come home, I just don't know when!  So, I wait by the door for her and chew my bone.

I'm very happy with where I'm living!  Thank you SPCA.




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