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We are VERY happy and totally in love with our beautiful Keisha!!  Makes us realize we should have acquired a dog long ago because she has brought so much love into our lives.  But we feel that the timing was right ... Keisha was meant for us and we were meant to be her new family! 





She is such a nice, gentle girl and at 3 years old, came already very well trained and we have had very few hiccups.  She's been in our home for 4 weeks now and we can no longer remember life without her! 





For a little dog, she is a real walker, LOVES walks so each night we take her on a long walk (and we get pooped more than she does ... she often walks us!).  We don't think she was a city dog before, but after a bit of anxiety, she's now very used to the sights and sounds and likes exploring her new downtown neighbourhood. 





And Keisha is LOVING going up to our trailer every weekend where she spends the entire time outdoors watching birds and sleeping in the sun and being spoiled by us. 




Everywhere we go everyone comments on her cuteness and what makes her quirky ... her 1 chocolate brown ear! 

Thanks SPCA of Western Québec; after this great experience, we highly recommend you to everyone!

Linda & Jim




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