The two beautiful cats I adopted in October 2010, who were at the
PetSmart Merivale adoption centre, quickly settled in their forever
home with me.
They were both given new names when I adopted them. Due to my
Scottish background, Sam (who was about 7 months old) was re-named
Quinlan which is Gaelic for "fit, strong". Mimi (who was about 3 and
1/2 years) was re-named Kennis which is Gaelic for "beautiful".

Although they did not know each other before, they have become loving
siblings since being with me.
They like to play together, chase toys and each other. One of their
favourite spots to hang out is in a cat bed by the window.

They often groom each other, or curl up together to take a nap.

My niece, Amy, first saw Kennis at PetSmart, and helped me follow
through with the adoption of both cats.
I am thankful that they are with me, and I am sure that we will enjoy
being all together for many years to come.

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