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I wanted to take a moment to let you know that Kira the polydactyl (formerly known as Victoria) is fitting right in with her new family!





She is a great little hunter ... flies, hamster in a ball, toys ... she catches them all.  Even if she has to climb all the way up the screen! lol  She even tries to catch her own tail as well as our old cat's.  I am not sure he likes it so much when she tries to play with him but he lets her and they sleep real close to one another.  I truly think he appreciates the company since he has lost his sister a while ago and was very lonely.





She is also very cuddly and sleeps with us after she is exhausted from attacking our toes :0).  She even greets us at the door.  She has a few favorite spots and they are usually close to a window where she can check out the birds, squirrels and chipmunks outside :0).

We love her very much and she is for sure part of our family now ... it's like she was always meant to be with us (and us with her)!





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