home houses 3 dogs, 2 of which are getting on in age. In order
for our youngest dog, a lab named Honey (also a rescue), not to be
left alone and also to teach a young dog good habits we (well, mostly
me, hubby just went along with the idea!) started looking around for a
young pup to join our family. We subscribe to the Ottawa Citizen
and I was always looking to find the pets that were being advertised
by the SPCA. I was really looking for another lab and one day,
one appeared in the paper. So I immediately called up my mother
and off we went to see the featured dog.
Unfortunately, when we got to the Aylmer SPCA, the dog had already
been adopted. So we asked if we could fill out the paperwork
ahead of time in the hopes that another similar type pup would become
available. This is where they mentioned that there would be one
available soon, but since he had just arrived, he was not quite ready
to be adopted yet. However, we were allowed to see him - fell in
love immediately. Although his legs looked a little funny, he
had all the markings of a black lab. We were able to adopt him on
the 15th of August. His age was estimated by the vet at 4 1/2
months. The first picture is Kobi when we brought him home.

Our lab wasn't overly fond of him at first but as you can see from the
second picture, she has taught him all the right things! How to
own the couch!
Kobi attended puppy obedience in the fall - passed with flying colors.
The third picture is graduation night.
As Kobi grew, we noticed that the "lab" in him was disappearing rather
quickly! The Great Dane in him was definitely more obvious.
This was also confirmed by our obedience teacher who herself owns a
Great Dane.
now that he is 9 1/2 months old in the 4th picture, we have concluded
our "little" puppy is not so little! However, we love him just
the same. He spends his mornings with his "dad" in his home
office while mom is away at work, and spends his afternoons with mom.
He runs around the farm all day long, stays away from the horses (only
after getting kicked in the face) and is reminded of the lessons he
learned in class on a continuous basis. We have yet to stop him
from chewing and ripping up old comforters used for doggie beds, but a
little Tabasco sauce on the material goes a long way!! My sewing
abilities have much improved as well!

We thank the Aylmer SPCA for giving us this wonderful bundle of joy
and we do recommend everyone looking for a pet to go and have a look
at the facility. It is well worth it.
Lynn and Hugh
Kobi has passed away and is now remembered
on our Rainbow Bridge page.
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